About Webinar

We are delighted to invite you all to attend the “3rd International Webinar on Gynecology and Obstetrics” which is going to be held from May 19-20, 2025 as per the Dubai time zone GMT+4 and will feature timely Keynote lectures, Oral talks, E-Poster Presentations, Video Presentations, and E-banners. You can attend sessions led by world experts from the comfort of your own home or office. Our virtual conference will allow you to catch up with friends and colleagues, schedule meetings with new contacts and participate in networking sessions.

Discover the latest technologies, research findings, and treatments in gynecology and obstetrics from an international viewpoint. Connect with global experts, peers, and industry leaders to enhance professional practice and patient care by participating in sessions that highlight international research, best practices, and innovative solutions, and engage in interactive sessions designed to develop skills and competencies applicable in diverse healthcare settings.

Your participation will help shape the future of gynecological and obstetric care and ensure better outcomes for patients worldwide.

Past Webinar Presentation

Past Webinar Presentation Links

Title : Acupuncture for chronic pelvic pain: A systemic review and meta-analysis

Kent Lin, The University of Sydney, Australia


What are the benefits of attending Gynaecology 2024 webinar?
·        Get an opportunity to meet renowned scholars
·        Chances to Interact, & Forge Powerful Professional Relationships
·        Access to All Sessions Online
·        E-Handbook kit
·        E-Certificate Accreditation from the Organizing Committee
·        Online publication of Abstract and Biography on our website
·        10% abatement on the registration fees for the next annual conference
Gain knowledge from experts in all areas of women's health
Evaluate and enhance your clinical practice
Present your research and output to a global audience
Connect and learn from peers from across the world
Express your dedication to your support for the rights and health of women
Discuss the updates in different sub-specialties that are rapidly evolving as separate disciplines
General Information: 
Webinar Name: 3rd International Webinar on Gynecology and Obstetrics 
Theme: Global Perspectives in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Date: May 19-20, 2025
Time Zone: GMT+4
Webinar Platform: Zoom

Guidelines for Joining Webinar:
• After registering for the webinar, you will receive a meeting invite link with a personalized user ID one day before the event for webinar access. 
• Follow the steps provided prior, to prevent any technical issues on the day of the event.
• Please join the webinar 15 minutes early to eliminate the last-minute hassle.
• Ensure that your device meets the system requirements for running the specific application.
• For audio/video clarification, it is always better to attach an external device.
• Sit in a quiet location where you will have good network access with no disturbance.
• Mute your audio while others are presenting. Those who wish to ask questions or to discuss should raise hands and the host will unmute you at the end of the talk.

Guidelines For Presenters:
• Each speaker will have 20 minutes for presentation. Please plan your talk for 15 minutes to allow for introduction and for 5 minutes Q&A session at the end of your talk.
• In order to stay on track of time, please ensure that you start and end your presentation at the times indicated in the program.
• The webinar must be organized in English, if you are not comfortable in presenting your presentation in English, you shall join with any of your colleagues as a translator and there won't be any registration fee for the translator. If you are not interested in bringing any translator with you, there is another option you can make a Poster Presentation.
• The presentation should be submitted in PDF or PPT Format
Scientists and professors, Gynecology Surgeons, Women’s health Care Researchers, Healthcare Faculty, Registered Nurse, Medical Colleges Staff, Midwife Nurse Educator, Nurse Practitioner, Gynecologists, Obstetricians, Infertility Specialists, Embryologists, Radiographers and Sonographer, Anesthesiologists, Medical assistants, Nutritionists, Therapists, Women health care professionals, Students, Business Entrepreneurs and Healthcare Associations and Societies